We have received support for the project!
ČSOP has been dealing with the restoration of species-rich meadows in our territory for quite a long time. In the past, we have supported many small projects within the framework of our meadow restoration programme. Now we are trying to take the conservation of these important habitats to the next level with a new project called Regional Seed Mixes as an Effective Tool for Meadow Habitat Diversity Conservation, for which we have received support from the Norway Grants.
As part of the project, we will be collecting seeds in many locations using different types of specialized brush collectors. The seed mixtures will then be analysed, and several sites will be sown in different ways; we will also use the green hay method. We will monitor how each method performs and use this knowledge to improve the efficiency of meadow restoration. Doing so, we hope to extend the close-to-nature meadow management to as many areas of the Czech Republic as possible.